
NETWORKING: Connecting with a supportive system, to share information
and services among individuals and groups having common interests.

Networking is critical for expanding your reach and establishing yourself as an expert in your field.  Networking creates an invisible vibration
that takes you and your story far beyond your own reach. Our multi-filtering advance search feature makes it possible to search members from narrow
to broad – or broad to narrow targets. You’ll know exactly who your best contacts are, and how to reach them – right from within TheGSEW site!


  • COLLABORATION: Working together willingly in a cooperative spirit among other participants.
  • COMMUNICATION: Imparting or exchanging news, thoughts, opinions or information by speech or in writing.
  • EDUCATION: Providing a wealth of knowledge and information based on particular subject matters or life’s experiences,
    giving intellectual, moral, and social instruction
  • COACHING: Using traditional methods of training based on an individual’s needs and goals without judgment.
  • MENTORING: Being guided by a more experienced or more knowledgeable person, the informal transmission of social
    capital relevant to work, career or professional development
  • INSPIRATION: Filling another with a new or revived desire to do or feel.
  • MOTIVATION: Providing another an interest in, enthusiasm for, or reason to do something.
  • COMPLIMENTS: Presenting someone with (something) as a mark of courtesy, a sign of respect and show of appreciation.
  • CONCIERGE: Courtesy services extended on an “as needed”, “as requested” basis.