Coaching & Mentoring

COACHING: Using traditional methods of training based on an individual’s needs and goals without judgment.
MENTORING: Being guided by a more experienced or more knowledgeable person, the informal transmission of social capital.

Coaching and Mentoring:  Among the most empowering influencers in life are those who teach, coach or mentor us.
The process of supporting and stimulating growth in another can create a lasting relationship that morphs into lifelong
connections that continue to help shape your destiny.

The best coaches have coaches; the best mentors find their mentees and these connections can be made through TheGSEW.

Coaching and Mentoring:  a profound give and take!




  • NETWORKING: Connecting with a supportive system, to share information and services among individuals and
    groups having common interests.
  • COLLABORATION: Working together willingly in a cooperative spirit among other participants.
  • COMMUNICATION: Imparting or exchanging news, thoughts, opinions or information by speech or in writing.
  • EDUCATION: Providing a wealth of knowledge and information based on particular subject matters or life’s experiences,
    giving intellectual, moral, and social instruction
  • INSPIRATION: Filling another with a new or revived desire to do or feel.
  • MOTIVATION: Providing another an interest in, enthusiasm for, or reason to do something.
  • COMPLIMENTS: Presenting someone with (something) as a mark of courtesy, a sign of respect and show of appreciation.
  • CONCIERGE: Courtesy services extended on an “as needed”, “as requested” basis.