Coaching & Mentoring
Inspiration & Motivation
COLLABORATION: Working together willingly in a cooperative spirit among other participants.
We are stronger together than any one of us could ever be alone. TheGSEW is a staunch believer in the power of collaboration, but finding
the right collaborative partner can be a challenge when you approach it on your own. TheGSEW is committed to working with you and creating
collaborative relationships and partnerships that add value to your life. We proudly share our Collaborative partners with you so you maximize
opportunity under TheGSEW umbrella; it’s as if you are part of many associations when you are part of TheGSEW.
- NETWORKING: Connecting with a supportive system, to share information and services among individuals and
groups having common interests. - COMMUNICATION: Imparting or exchanging news, thoughts, opinions or information by speech or in writing.
- EDUCATION: Providing a wealth of knowledge and information based on particular subject matters or life’s experiences,
giving intellectual, moral, and social instruction - COACHING: Using traditional methods of training based on an individual’s needs and goals without judgment.
- MENTORING: Being guided by a more experienced or more knowledgeable person, the informal transmission of social
capital relevant to work, career or professional development - INSPIRATION: Filling another with a new or revived desire to do or feel.
- MOTIVATION: Providing another an interest in, enthusiasm for, or reason to do something.
- COMPLIMENTS: Presenting someone with (something) as a mark of courtesy, a sign of respect and show of appreciation.
- CONCIERGE: Courtesy services extended on an “as needed”, “as requested” basis.