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Roots and Wings

Is it just ME, or do you, too find yourself weighing things you want to do for yourself against the sense that you might be disappointing someone else in the same moment? Please, tell me I am not the only one!! I recall a day in my life in the late 60’s when as a … Continued

Thank you, Maya

Is it just Me, or will, you, too miss the in-the-moment spontaneous moments of Maya Angelou’s words of wisdom? Without a doubt, we all will. The calm of her voice, the focus of her thoughts, the passion evident in her eyes, Ms. Angelou was, indeed, blessed with great insight and the ability to compose rational … Continued

May we never forget…

Monday, May 26, 2014 is Memorial Day in the United States. Let us take a moment to remember those who have lost their lives in the service of their country – whatever country that may be – and let us never forget what some do for all in the name of freedom. Let us pray … Continued

Finding Strength Within

Is it just ME, or are you, too, blessed to have someone, anyone, in your life who always seems to find their way through even the most difficult circumstances? Ever blessed, I have had and have many such people in my life.  Through their examples,I have learned that little is impossible when the purpose, the … Continued

You Don’t Need Permission to Shine!

Is it just ME, or do you, too, know someone who is never happy for the success or happiness of others? I truly don’t like saying so, but I’ve been around long enough to say I have known – and still do – a handful of people who just cannot find it in their hearts … Continued

Be Outraged!

Is it just Me… No, I know it isn’t; how could it be?It took almost three weeks for the world to hear the story of hundreds of young Nigerian girls having been taken form their school in Lagos, Nigeria…almost three weeks.As we hear the story now, the Nigerian government was aware of the planned kidnappings … Continued

From all of us here at TheGSEW, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY


Is it just ME, or do you, too, love redemption? Well, let me explain what I mean by redemption:  you try something, attempt something – anything- and it doesn’t end up exactly how you would have written the outcome; if only it were that easy! You try again:  better outcome, more pleasing results, closer to … Continued

Another First

Is it just ME, or do you, too, love to know there are still ‘firsts’ in the world to be celebrated? Today’s news aired expansive coverage of the Canonizing of two outstanding men to an audience of tens of millions of viewers plus the 1.2 million pilgrims and visitors who crowded the streets around Vatican … Continued

Yesterday’s Memories Create Better Tomorrows

Is it just ME, or do you, too love to reflect on childhood memories? I’m somewhat of a story teller.  Many of the stories I tell are life experiences of years gone by.   Many are second generation stories as I try to repeat words of wisdom spoken and taught by my Dad, even his jokes, … Continued