Tasha Ransom
About me
An award winning producer and dedicated to volunteering in my community.
My greatest strength(s)
My greatest strength is community outreach and creativity.
My greatest accomplishment to date
My greatest accomplishments are that I am able to contribute to society in a positive manner
My personal/professional goals
My vision is to work on bigger projects on a national level and on a much larger scale.
What/Who has inspired me the most
My inspiration comes from other people's stories. I am very drawn to the community. TV is for people to help people.
I most want to be known/remembered for
I most want to be remembered by Winston Churchill's quote: "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"
I participate in the following organizations/memberships
I am a member of The Links, Incorporated.
I am a member of the Chicago Chapter of the Sophisticates.
I am a member of the Society.
I have received the following Honors/Awards/Scholarships
I have received the following awards:
1. 2009 Probation Challenge Excellence In Service Chicago Community Regarding Education
2. 2011 Peter Lisagor Best Public Affairs Programming
3. 2012 Peter Lisagor Best Health Science Reporting
4. 2013 Peter Lisagor Best News Specialty Health and Science
5. 2013 Illinois Associated Press Broadcaster Association:
First Place Best Hard News Feature
6. 2013 Illinois Associated Press Broadcaster Association:
First Place Best Light Feature
8. 2014 Youth Action Ministry Award- Youth Freedom Fighter Award
9. Chicago Bar Association Herman Kogan Media Award- Meritorious Achievement
I support the missions of these charities/volunteer my time
I support my community.
I enjoy the following hobbies/interests
In my spare time I enjoy movies, restaurants, fine dining with my girl friends, shopping and travel.