Jenna Carlson
I chose this career path because
Jenna got involved in this field since it dealt with the care of patients and she believes in developing drugs that help improves people's lives.
I prepared for this career by
She has a Bachelor Degree in Chemistry and has years of experience and on the job training.
The biggest challenge I've overcome
Jenna's biggest challenge has been being a woman in a man's world, she was the only woman when she first started which was very challenging.
My greatest strength(s)
Her strengths are her ability to negotiate to be a strong woman and leader, and how to make statements without judgement.
My greatest accomplishment to date
Her greatest accomplishment was Co-Authoring two PDA reports.
My personal/professional goals
Jenna plans on becoming a Quality Site Head for one of their facilities.
What/Who has inspired me the most
She is inspired by the friends she has that are patients of hers. She is responsible for a drug for breast cancer and her responsibility is to make sure the drug is safe and delivered on time.
I most want to be known/remembered for
Jenna wants to be remembered for being compassionate and for the passion she had for her work.
I participate in the following organizations/memberships
She participates with Parenteral Drug Association and the American Chemical Society.
I support the missions of these charities/volunteer my time
Jenna supports the Burlingame Community for Education.
I enjoy the following hobbies/interests
When not working she enjoys reading, running and spending time with her three children.