Christine Penney
About me
Dr. Penney chose nursing soon after high school. She has always been compelled to make things better. She completed her PhD in Public Administration with a focus on Health System Accountability. She has held positions from Clinical Management, as well as working in the health field for the Canadian Government, to her current position as Deputy registrar for the Nursing College of Registered Nurses.
About my company
CRNBC makes these commitments in fulfilling its mandate and mission: Public Interest - To protect the public through the regulation of registered nurses. Self-regulation - To manifest the College's commitment to the privilege and responsibility of self-regulation. Education Standards - To establish entry-level competencies that reflect practice requirements and to recognize entry and re-entry nursing education programs in B.C. where graduates meet these competencies and the College's Standards of Practice. Registration Standards - To ensure that all registrants meet the standards for entry and re-entry into the profession and that these standards reflect British Columbia practice requirements. Standards of Practice - To establish and communicate Standards of Practice that define the level of practice that registered nurses are required to meet. Continuing Competence - To support registered nurses to understand and fulfill their obligation to uphold the Standards of Practice by maintaining their professional ethics and competence. Practice Environments To work with registered nurses, health organizations and other stakeholders to create and sustain practice environments that support safe, competent and ethical nursing care for the public. Complaint Process To provide an accessible and responsive complaint process to ensure that concerns about the practice of registered nurses are addressed in the public interest.
I chose this career path because
Dr. Christine Penney is a RN with a Masters and PhD from the School of Public Administration, University of Victoria and a Fellow with the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation's (CRSRF) Executive Training for Research Application ( EXTRA) Program. She is currently the Deputy Registrar at the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia (CRNBC). Her past experience includes senior management positions in health service delivery across acute and community sectors and health policy at the Ministry of Health Services, B.C. Dr. Penney is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Victoria and University of BC, Schools of Nursing. She is a surveyor with Accreditation Canada; a member of the Canadian Institutes Health Services Research (CIHR), merit review panel for Partnerships for Health System Improvement (PHSI); and, a member of the Commitment to ongoing Regulatory Excellence Committee (CORE) of the National Council State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).
I prepared for this career by
She completed her BSN and completed her MPA. In 2002 she received her PhD in Public Administration from University of Victoria.
The biggest challenge I've overcome
Dr. Penney has had the great opportunity to work with many ethical and powerful men. She has also been aware of the power being abused with women being the subject. She has always ensured herself to be aligned with the CEO for any position that she has considered helping her to avoid this type of negative situation.
My greatest strength(s)
She sees her caring personality as well as always being supportive of her people to be her strength. She is a mentor and a coach and she has completed a courses to be more effective in assisting her staff to be successful in the career paths that they have chose for themselves.
My greatest accomplishment to date
Dr. Penney grew up in a small town, one of seven children. Her father passed when she was very young and she was fearful that her dream of going to university would not come true. With the sacrifices of her mother and her ability to work through and overcome any obstacles that came her way she achieved her goals.
My personal/professional goals
She would like to be able to work the health care system to help it recognize the good in the single payer system as well as the private and public health care system. She looks forward to being a very integral part of changing the system working directly with Board. She looks forward to being CEO in the future.
What/Who has inspired me the most
Her mother was a great inspiration to her because of her many sacrifices she made. Dr. Penney's drive to make this better compels her to improve the system.
I most want to be known/remembered for
Dr. Penney hopes to be remembered as a caring, compassionate and generous person.
I participate in the following organizations/memberships
-CIHR Committee Member for "Partnerships for Health System Improvement" - Peer review committee
-Accreditation Canada Surveyor
-FCCHSE - Fellowship project reviewer; Member of executive for Vancouver Island Chapter; Participation in mentorship program