Carolyn Anderson, Carolyn M Anderson, PhD
About me
Carolyn M. Anderson is an accomplished communication scholar, researcher, teacher, and leader/follower with over 20 years work experience in an academic setting and 20 years performing various roles in business and industry. As an entrepreneurial leader, she provides consulting and coaching to private and public companies to meet employee needs for leadership, small group participation, interpersonal development, and public speaking.
About my company
CMA Communication Consultants seek to enhance the communication competencies of individuals interacting in various professional and social contexts to achieve goals for communicating. Two special areas are leadership and small groups. The company’s representative will provide professional consulting, coaching, and communication competency training as needed.
CMA Communication Consultants’ mission statement highlights the premise that communication is a learned behavior. When human beings want to transmit information, ideas, values, and emotions, they use verbal symbols--words, and nonverbal cues-- such as eye contact. One is not born with the competencies to use words and nonverbal cues when interacting with others to reach goals for communicating.
I prepared for this career by
Ph.D. - Kent State University, Kent, OH. May, 1992. Communication Studies
M.A. - Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, May, 1988. Communication Studies
B.A. - University of Detroit, Detroit, MI, Dec., 85. Mass Communication
Since retiring in July 2012 from the university as Professor Emeritus, Carolyn has devoted her time to extensive research and writing in her field along with consulting through her company, CMA Communication Consultant She has also just completed and published her second book.
Aug. 2013 Adjunct Professor - UofAkron
July 1, 2012 - Present The University of Akron, Professor Emeritus
2010 – 2012 The University of Akron, Professor
2006 - 2010 The University of Akron Interim School Director
2002 - 2006 The University of Akron, Professor
1999 - 2002 The University of Akron, Associate Professor
1995 - 1998 The University of Akron, Assistant Professor
1994 - 1995 The University of Akron, Akron, OH. Visiting Assistant Professor
1991 - 1994 John Carroll University, Univ. Heights, OH. Visiting Assistant Professor
1988 - 1991 Kent State University, Kent, OH Teaching Fellow
1987 - 1988 Wayne State University, Detroit, MI Graduate Assistant
1987 - 1988 University of Detroit, Detroit, MI Adjunct Professor
My greatest strength(s)
Her greatest strengths are her determination, being disciplined with ho distractions and setting goals.
My greatest accomplishment to date
Carolyn's' greatest accomplishment has been achieving her PhD She is very proud of the fact that she is among the educational experts in their own disciplines.
My personal/professional goals
She would like to continue to write and will continue to volunteer her time and inspire the youth to become leaders.
What/Who has inspired me the most
She was inspired by Dorothy Service who she met while working at US Steel. Dorothy had received a law degree but would not be placed as an attorney at US Steel many years ago simply because she was a woman..She had encouraged Carolyn to go back to school to pursue her education degree.
I have received the following Honors/Awards/Scholarships
2015 Greg Hassek Volunteer Guardian Award for 10 years of service at Lutheran Ministries.
I support the missions of these charities/volunteer my time
College Now Program
Lutheran Ministries volunteering as Probate Legal Guardian
I enjoy the following hobbies/interests
Carolyn enjoys Tai chi, playing golf and bridge