Amy Donnellon
I chose this career path because
Just started doing door to door for 1 year top in sales I enjoy being with customers and saving customers. Loved dealing big deal contract negotiations started learning the process .
I prepared for this career by
Bachelors Couth Michigan college this initial position working with customers top in Comcast received an award.
The biggest challenge I've overcome
Being a single mother with an autistic daughter balancing my support group getting surrogate people to fulfill my needs . Also being in a mans world to learn to handle situations and get my point across. Gloria Steinem not anti man just pro woman .
My greatest strength(s)
M bachelors at 40 at 21 paying my way
My greatest accomplishment to date
Bachelors at 40 at21 paying all my own loans off working my way into a successful field on all my challenges life coaching with challenges
My personal/professional goals
Communication so important because we are industrialized we need more human contact
What/Who has inspired me the most
My life is forever changing a friend said every week she asked ne what I did because I have a new story this year new windows speaking at a forum of 90 people . My daughter inspires me she is autistic and an angel of God and she takes me on not the other way around. Katherine Hepburn
I most want to be known/remembered for
she touched an inch and lead in her peruses
I participate in the following organizations/memberships
Habitat for Humanity Foster children Mentoring young woman regional city Detroit Michigan Amy B. Donnellon
I support the missions of these charities/volunteer my time
March of dimes
I enjoy the following hobbies/interests
Dancing and I still perform .