Beth's Blog
How Do You Spell “All”?
No, I’m not talking about the TV show starring Linda Carter as a super-hero. I’m talking about the potential effect it may have had on the rest of us.
Opinions varied, which it was made it a valuable chat…
I feel that women have pressured other woman to feel they should want to have it all, that they should need to have it all, that they can handle it all. Anything that comes up short of that means you haven’t measured up to other women. Please!
Is it a demand on every woman that she aspires to be the world’s best daughter, partner, mother, sister, co-worker, and community-leader?
Let’s stop pressuring; let’s stop competing. Let’s celebrate the strengths we each have and share them with others whose strengths are different. Let’s balance our lives, our friendships, our purposes – and most importantly our “reasons”.
Here’s the point: we each have a ‘go to’ trait that is recognized by those who know us. It is only in the combination of the three of us that we have our greatest balance; that we can, collectively get the job done, even enjoy the contribution we each make to the outcome.
In coming together, we create stability, results, joy. We permit each other to not feel bad ‘just because’. I think this is the kindest thing we can do for each other; we each deserve it.